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Become a Corporate Sponsor by donating any amount of money to Le Transport de Clare Society. In return, we will give you a Registered Charity Donation receipt that you will be able to claim on your income tax. We will also mention your company on our website, facebook page and on our office sponsor display to show our appreciation.

Become a Corporate Sponsor by Advertising your company on our commercial vehicles. This will give you an expense receipt for advertising. We will also mention your company on our website, facebook page and on our office wall sponsor display to show our appreciation.

Advertising on 1 vehicle $250.00/year
Advertising on 3 vehicles $500.00/year
Advertising on 5 vehicles $750.00/year
Advertising on 7 vehicles $1000.00/year

All companies agree to provide a digital copy of the company logo that will be advertised
We, Le Transport de Clare Society, will pay for the printing and installation of company logo decals on all vehicles and on our office wall